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Cum ma inregistrez/autentific cu ID-ul Facebook,Yahoo,Live?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:41 am
Author: bernard
social login.jpg
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Stimati visitatori si membrii!

Daca dati click pe butonul Facebook din partea dreapta sus a paginei, sau pe butonul Yahoo, va puteti inregistra pe forum prin account-ul Facebook/Yahoo al Dvoastra. Dupa acesta, pentru convenienta Dvoastra, puteti sa faceti Login pe forum printr-un simplu singur click pe acelasi buton Facebook/Yahoo.

Dear visitors and members!

If you click on the Facebook or Yahoo button located in the upper-right corner of the screen, you can register an account on the forum through your Facebook/Yahoo account. After this, for your convenience, you can login onto the forums through a simple single click on the same Facebook/Yahoo button
