Efectele neuroprotectoare de anti-imbatranire ale L Barbarum

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Moderatör: bernard

Efectele neuroprotectoare de anti-imbatranire ale L Barbarum

MesajAuthor: bernard » Prş May 01, 2014 9:48 am

Original source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16139464

Efectele neuroprotectoare de anti-imbatranire ale medicamentului oriental Lycium barbarum impotriva neurotoxicitatii peptidei beta-amiloida.
Neuroprotective effects of anti-aging oriental medicine Lycium barbarum against beta-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity.

Yu MS, Leung SK, Lai SW, Che CM, Zee SY, So KF, Yuen WH, Chang RC.
Author information
Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Department of Anatomy, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.


În timp ce populația în vârstă crește dramatic în aceste decenii, ar trebui depuse eforturi pentru intervenția de vindecare a bolilor neurodegenerative asociate cu varsta, cum ar fi boala Alzheimer (AD). Extracte naturale din plante de Lycium barbarum sunt bine-cunoscute pentru a expune efecte anti-imbatranire.
As aged population dramatically increases in these decades, efforts should be made on the intervention for curing age-associated neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD). Natural plant extracts of Lycium barbarum are well-known to exhibit anti-aging effects.

Prin urmare, am emis ipoteza că acestea prezintă efecte neuroprotectoare impotriva toxinelor in boli neurodegenerative legate de imbatranire. În acest studiu, ne-am propus sa investigam daca extrase din L. barbarum vor avea efecte neuroprotectoare impotriva toxicitatii de fragmente fibrilare Abeta (1-42) și Abeta (25-35). Neuroni corticali primare de șobolan expuse la peptide Abeta au dus la apoptoza și necroza.
We therefore hypothesized that they exhibit neuroprotective effects against toxins in aging-related neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether extracts from L. barbarum have neuroprotective effects against toxicity of fibrillar Abeta(1-42) and Abeta(25-35) fragments. Primary rat cortical neurons exposed to Abeta peptides resulted in apoptosis and necrosis.

Pre-tratamentul cu extract izolat de L. barbarum a redus semnificativ eliberarea lactatului dehidrogenazei (LDH). In plus, aceasta a atenuat activitatea de peptide Abeta similara cu activitatea de caspaze-3. Extractul a facilitat un efect neuroprotector tipic dependent de doză. Dozare eficientă a acestui extract a fost mai mare decât cea a unui binecunoscut medicament neuroprotector din vest, clorura de litiu (LiCI).
Pre-treatment with extract isolated from L. barbarum significantly reduced the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In addition, it attenuated Abeta peptide-activated caspases-3-like activity. The extract elicited a typical dose-dependent neuroprotective effect. Effective dosage of this extract was wider than that of a well-known western neuroprotective medicine lithium chloride (LiCl).

Noi am examinat în continuare mecanismele care stau la baza efectelor neuroprotectoare. În acord cu alte laboratoare, peptidele Abeta induce o activare rapidă a N-terminalului c-Jun kinaza (JNK) prin fosforilare. Pre-tratarea extractului apos a redus semnificativ fosforilarea JNK-1 (Thr183/Tyr185) și substraturile sale c-Jun-I (Ser 73) și c-Jun-II (Ser 63).
We have further examined the underlying mechanisms of the neuroprotective effects. In agreement with other laboratories, Abeta peptides induce a rapid activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) by phosphorylation. Pre-treatment of aqueous extract markedly reduced the phosphorylation of JNK-1 (Thr183/Tyr185) and its substrates c-Jun-I (Ser 73) and c-Jun-II (Ser 63).

In concluzie, ne-am demonstrat ipoteza noastră arătând efecte neuroprotectoare ale extractului de L. barbarum. Studii privind medicamente anti-îmbătrânire pe bază de plante cum ar fi L. barbarum poate deschide o nouă fereastră terapeutică pentru prevenirea bolii Alzheimers (AD).
Taken together, we have proved our hypothesis by showing neuroprotective effects of the extract from L. barbarum. Study on anti-aging herbal medicine like L. barbarum may open a new therapeutic window for the prevention of AD.
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