Black Goji berry - Lycium ruthenicum

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Black Goji berry - Lycium ruthenicum

MesajAuthor: Agronomist Ariel » Joi Apr 09, 2015 9:51 pm

Hi all

The Lycium barbartum or Lycium chinensis are the Red Goji berries we grow and I hope the growers distinguish between the 2 species that look very similar.

The Black Goji berry - Lycium ruthenicum - has its own merits and may contribute to the colours and tastes when selling the red fruits with a few blackfruits on top of the pack.

The same products produced from the red Goji berries can be made fron the Black Goji berry.

I wonder if anyone is growing commercially the Black Goji berry?

Agronomist Ariel

Agronomist Ariel
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Mesaje: 18
Membru din: Joi Apr 09, 2015 9:05 pm
Cash on hand: 973.82


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