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Mechnical harvesting of Gogi - learning from other crops

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:14 am
Author: Agronomist Ariel
Hi all

The mechanical harvest questions arising from growing Goji on large areas will need various technologies of getting the ripe fruits off the plant, colecting the fruits and sorting for quality. Numerous technologies are avaiable to be modified for the Goji plants.

At this infant stage I suggest to learn from related berries harvesters what might be a possible Goji harvester in the future.


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Simulation of Vibration Harvesting Mechanism for Goji berry

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan
Citation: 2011 Louisville, Kentucky, August 7-10, 2011 1111009.(doi:10.13031/2013.37391)

Authors: Xiuying Tang, Jingrui Ren, Chuan Liu, Dan Xiao.
Modified by Agronomist Ariel

Theoreticak basics for development of vibration goji harvester .

The vibrating harvesting is a possible approach for harvesting wolfberry.
The vibration characteristics of wolfberry tree analysis results showed that first ten order natural frequencies varied from 4.3786 Hz (the first order frequency) to 15.613Hz (the tenth order frequency), and the maximum vibration amplitude appeared in the branch with maximum length and maximum curvature. The harmonic response analysis results showed that the vibrating harvesting effect of wolfberry fruit when the vibration force was applied to the side branch is obviously more superior than to the truck, and the destructive effort of tree is also less. The vibration force applied to the side branch was 33N which could ensure the majority of wolfberry fruit to detach from the tree